Guanlan Scholarship Foundation Logo

What We Do

We provide scholarships to the daughters of one village who will empower themselves through schooling, and break the cycle of absolute poverty, pursue their dreams in safety, to become independent, confident women who will flourish. They will raise the prospects of future generations and their community.

Since 2000, the Foundation has provided scholarships for over 140 school girls in remote western China, where their opportunities and resources are extremely limited.

The Foundation collects funds and worked closely with a community-based non-profit partner organization in Shaanxi. Our local agent’s team conducts annual research trips into the mountains to qualify applicants and referees based on family need among daughters of a group of villages. In the fall, they distribute the cash funds to the girls, whom we call the Guanlan Sisters, to pay for the school fees their families can’t raise.

The Foundation maintains records of each scholarship recipient’s family need status and educational advancement. The scholarship recipients write to us each year describing how they are growing and progressing through school, how their families are doing, and what their hopes are for the future.

The Foundation works entirely on a volunteer basis, so every cent we raise goes to the girls in need.

Dr. Seeberg, Foundation founder and president, and Foundation team members regularly visit with our partner, the scholarship recipients, and their families to understand how their lives are developing, if they are safe, in school, or gainfully employed or otherwise doing well. We also stay in touch with the Guanlan Sisters on various Chinese language social media platforms.

Getting a Scholarship

Award Process

1. Selection
The Guanlan Sisters are selected on the basis of family need by the local selection committee, consisting of Scholarship alumni and our field agent and his team who conduct annual home visits to potential recipients. Since they are also from the village, they know families in need.
2. Scholarship Administration
The local field administrative team receives a minimal stipend for their generous and highly competent services. All other administrative costs of the Foundation in the U.S. are covered by Dr. Seeberg.

L to R: Pang Baoliang, Head of Shaanxi Renai; Vilma Seeberg, Head of GS Foundation; Former Scholarship Recipient; Her Husband; Naya, GS Foundation Assistant; Li Yu, GS Foundation Assistant
3. Award Ceremony
For the new and continuing Guanlan Sisters, Dr. Seeberg wires the donations to a designated account in Xi’an. Our field manager then takes the scholarship funds to the Awards Ceremonies in the village and migrant quarters in the nearby town over the Oct. 1 National Day holiday.
4. Scholarship
On receipt of the scholarship, the family head accepts in writing his or her daughter’s scholarship and promises to support her through Senior Secondary graduation. Each school year, each Guanlan Sister writes a letter to Dr. Seeberg about her progress and plans in school. Our local field agent sends a report, summary accounts, and photos of the Sisters and their families.
5. Continual Support
Should you be interested in taking up a correspondence with any of the Guanlan Sisters, we will help you exchange photos and if needed translate letters. Let us know and we will match you up.
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Guanlan Scholarship Foundation

Empowering Rural Girls With Education
501(c)(3) Charitable Nonprofit